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1. What are the eligibility requirements for entering the pageant?


  • If you are single (never married), never given birth to or have adopted a child, a United States citizen, a resident of the state of California, and you are at least 14 to 18 for Teen but cannot be 19 by Jan. 1, 2020 and 18 to 27 but cannot be 28 as of Jan. 1, 2020, you are eligible to apply to become a contestant.


2. Is there any height or weight requirements?


  • There are no required height, weight or measurements that qualify you to compete. It is important to remember that it is not about any particular body size, shape, or frame. It is about maintaining good health and overall physical fitness. Remember, there is no perfect body type!


3. How many contestants will be in the pageant?


  • The number of contestants changes daily as new contestants applies and choose to participate. We will not know the final number of participants until the registration process is completed on the first day of the pageant weekend. A majority has never competed before.


4. What happens after I submit my photo & information?


  • We review all entries received and submit selected entries to a member of our staff who will contact the applicants for a brief telephone interview. After your interview, a review committee will consider your application. They will determine if they feel you would make a good candidate for the title. If you are accepted to participate in the pageant, you will receive the registration materials via E-mail.


5. What are the costs associated with the pageant?


  • Each contestant is responsible for paying a registration and sponsorship fee, which covers your participation in the pageant. If selected as a contestant, we will give you information on obtaining sponsors to help defray 


6. Where can I get sponsors?


  • Sponsors can include but are not limited to your family, friends, local businesses, fraternal organizations and clubs, schools, etc. You may secure sponsors from anywhere in or out of the state. If accepted, you will receive paperwork to help secure your sponsors. Sponsorship can also help defray costs for entry fees, wardrobe, etc.


7. Will the pageant provide my wardrobe?


  • No. Each contestant is responsible for bringing her own wardrobe to pageant weekend. This allows you the versatility and freedom to pick a wardrobe that best flatters your body as well as to choose a wardrobe that fits and highlights your individual personality. However, you can rent from previous contestants.


8. Do I have to spend a lot of money on my wardrobe or purchase it from pageant sponsors?


  • No, you do not have to spend a million bucks to look like a million bucks! It is more important to select outfits that make you feel confident, that best suit your body type and personality. Each year the personal choice of gowns spans from simple to elaborate. Many young ladies choose to use homecoming/prom gowns, or swimsuit and interview outfits that they already own, while others choose to purchase new outfits; some from pageant sponsors. It is never the clothes the judges are scoring; it's the young woman wearing it. Information from our pageant wardrobe sponsor is provided for your information and benefit only and contestants are not required to utilize them.


9. What are the judging criteria for the pageant?


  • Interview (1/3 of overall preliminary score), Sportswear (TEEN ONLY) / Suitsuit (MISS/ELITE/MRS) (1/3 of overall preliminary score), and Evening Gown (1/3 of overall preliminary score). Those contestants with the highest scores will advance to the semi-final round of judging consisting of swimsuit and evening gown, each of which then represents 50% of the score. The five contestants with the highest final scores will advance to the Top-5 where they will be asked an on-stage question written by a member of the judging panel. The final question and spotlight review will determine their final placement until the winner is announced. For more detailed information, please see our Judging page.


10. Can anyone assist me during the pageant weekend, with my wardrobe or hair & make-up?


  • There will be a small number of chaperones in the dressing rooms to assist you with some of your wardrobe changes. Contestants are prohibited from bringing their own personal hair and make-up stylists - no one is allowed backstage or in the dressing room. If everyone brought their own personal assistants, we would not fit in the venue! There will be a team of professional make-up artists present at the pageant. You will have an opportunity to meet them and discuss pricing and specific styles before the pageant weekend if you choose to use their services.


11. Are tattoos or body piercings allowed?


  • Tattoos and piercing are a statement of your individuality, and it is up to you whether you choose to show them. If either is visible while in your competition wardrobe, you may remove your body jewelry or cover tattoos with body make-up if you desire. Judges are not told to look upon someone negatively because of tattoos or piercing, but judging is a subjective process done by each individual differently.


12. What does the winner receive?


  • The biggest prize is the prestigious title of Miss Orange County or Miss Orange County Teen or Regional Title Miss Orange County Regional or Miss Orange County Teen Regional and the opportunity to represent our County at the State Pageant!  Our prize packages differ from year to year according to sponsors that are obtained. We are continually striving to improve the prizes offered. For a look at last year's prize package go to the prize package of this site.


13. What happens if I should win and how much time is involved?


  • The time involved should you win depends on the individual person. There are certain responsibilities that accompany the privilege of becoming a titleholder.  Your preparations are included in your prize package.

  • In addition to preparing and competing in the State Pageant, we make every effort to obtain appearances for titleholders locally and throughout the County. These include speaking engagements, parades, charity events, galas, trade shows, etc. We realize that your education, career, and family are a high priority, so we do our best to accommodate your schedule when arranging appearances.


Miss Orange County California Regional
c: 714.619.1085


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